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mmmLike in the page which opens the cultural zone, the arts are presented on the reserved page for the “letters”, in the meaning of poems and prose, generally for the writers and people who know the meaning of words. Many people from Lupac (who have lived or were birth in these places) have done many works which can be included in the arts page.
mmmOur community has a few people appreciated in dance and music. These things could be observed from our beautiful and rich music. The dance is represented in the hole world by the Folkloric Assembly from Clocotici.
mmmWe have chosen a few pictures to illustrate the rest of the visual arts. Plastic arts, architecture, costumes could been introduced here just by pictures. Taking pictures is an art so we put some may others picture's in the page like: sunsets, sunrises, animals, people and many other images. In the first faze the pictures belong to the author of the site.

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